Friday, February 3, 2012

Experiencing Kosovo

What a beautiful winter we've had! I sit here now with the sun streaming in the window, and I can hardly believe it's February. I don't mind not having much snow this year. Yes, the pristine white is breathtaking, and when the sun glances off the snow it brightens the dark areas of the house wonderfully. But, I'm anxious for spring and summer and all that will come with these seasons. A new baby, moving out of our current house, my parents coming home from Africa, vacations with friends...there is much to look forward to! As for now, though, winter is not half bad and I'm enjoying the time that's given. We had a couchsurfer in from Kosovo. His name is Noar, and he is intelligent, humorous, inquisitive, intrigued by film and the supernatural, great at Catchphrase, and he speaks impeccable English. In the couple days he was here, we toured downtown Toledo, ate at the superb San Marcos restaurant, shared both lighthearted and serious conversation, and enjoyed an evening introducing our guest to our Toledo family and friends. Though we only had a short time with Noar, we felt disappointment in his absence but also joy in having formed a friendship with such an interesting individual. We made tentative plans to visit Noar in Kosovo and experience his region of the world in about a year and a half. We hope to make it happen indeed!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Marvelous Uncertainties

I meant to record our holiday happenings on the blog, but time got away from me. They were wonderful, however, with a fantastic Ugly Sweater Christmas Party with friends and Christmas Day with Scott's family. This was the first Christmas where Emerson got truly excited for what was going on- it's so fun to watch your kids grow up. However, the holidays have come and gone and a new year is here. I love a fresh beginning! Usually I stress over what my New Year's resolutions will be, but oddly enough, on New Year's Eve, I got sick about 11pm, therefore ringing in the new year cuddled up in bed with Scott and Emerson. I thought I'd be disappointed, but I took it to mean I wasn't supposed to make any resolutions, but simply to continue in living fully and abiding in love. It was a release! We spent New Year's in the Florida Keys, enjoying ten days in the beautiful sun with Scott's family. Since returning, we've settled back into our wonderful lives here in Toledo. Scott's work at Hoen's Greenhouse is slow during these months but still fulfilling. I've been working on Blondie and Wookie, making some changes I'm excited about. Starting this week, in fact, representing B&W, I will be the official baker for Plate 21, an excellent coffeeshop here in South Toledo. I'm so excited for this opportunity, it's a true blessing. And we have a little one due next month, the 25th of February, so we are anxiously preparing as a family for this new addition. This is a year of marvelous uncertainties!